Saturday, March 1, 2014

SOLSC 1/31- Spring Break

Hey my name is Eddie, and this year I studied music in society. I'm in seventh grade and I will be studying the Muppet Show in spring.

My brothers voice echoed towards my dad's room, time to go, he shouted. I laughed and slowly walked down towards the kitchen. My smile arose as i saw that he was just finishing up eating. Excellent. I gripped the door frame and looked at him. He smushed toast into his mouth and looked my way.
"Hey," he said,"Why are you here?"
"Ohhhh, I sure am tired," I groaned, "Look at the time I need to be getting ready for school... But wait I don't have school!!!" I cackled as he looked at me in anger.
"You woke up early only because you wanted to annoy me?"
"That's right."
"You're probably going to do this to Maggie too, aren't you?"
"Psshhshsh, of course not....." He looked at me and blinked twice.
"You're horrible, but I really do have to go to school now, so bye."
I grinned and looked at the clock. Twenty minutes to spare before more fun. I heard my sister groan from the other room.


  1. What a wonderful brother you are. Though, I probably would have done the same in your position. Why is tormenting siblings (or roommates when you move out of your parents house) such fun? Also, "smushed" is an amazing descriptive word.

  2. Oh the joys of siblings and messing with them. Very well described and I love the use of the word "cackled." I'm sure he, and your sister will find ways to get you back. Great start to the month!
