Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Second Slice of Life

Getting our Dog:

It was summer, a very hot summer to say the least, and even hotter in our black car. My knee rocked and heat pored into my body. The car finally pulled up into the park, where a shabby man and a dog were waiting for us. We stomped out onto the freshly cut grass on the park. Suddenly the dog flew from the man towards me. He placed his paws on my chest and licked my face as if it was ice-cream. "We'll name him Louis," I said.
"First you guys have to sign this waver,"the shabby man said as he handed my mom a floppy piece of paper. My mom proceeded to sign it while my brother, sister and I smothered our new dog Louis. He sat next to me on the car ride home.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Slice of Life

My New Sport-

It was only three year after I was born, well that was what mama and dada call it, a while before I had discovered my brother, but this sport was completely new. I giggled and crawled through to my brothers room which was just down the hall from mine. I approached his sleeping body with my fingers. I quietly began to crawl down under his bed. I reached my fingers up and slowly, very slowly, yes, slowly. Quickly now I jab my fingers into his heaving belly and wiggle them. He screams and I retreat my fingers into the dark safety of the under bed. I giggle silently as he scampers off into that long hallway. I clamber into his bed and drift off into a marvelous sleep. Little did I know in two years another candidate for my game would be born, a sister this time. How fun.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Logan Limerick

There once was a boy from Logan
His name was Russell Stovvan
he never raised his hand
to defy his teachers demand
so she shot him with a poisonous blow gun.

Limerick on Winter Break

There once was a sled named Nell
the children rode him quite well
he loved the snow
but ice was his foe
as once with ice he fell.

Limerick for Anything

A niece from Greece:

There once was a man from Greece
who fostered his evil niece
she chopped him up
and fed him to her pup
then she ran from the police.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Eddie's Occasional Poem

Eddie's Occasional Poem on the Jazz Festival:

Drifting music notes fill the air
some people talk some people stare
some laugh and wander the fair
some people play and some people dance
others sing and others romance
everyone is welcome to celebrate
alas what joy to create
a place where all races can enjoy some fun
a lot of happiness shall be spun
people rejoice and instruments are played
because this is the day the jazz fest was made