Monday, January 27, 2014

Yuck, Medicine

I watched feebly as my mothers lips summoned me to the kitchen. In my head they were screaming at me, but I knew she wasn't in real life. That's what sickness does to you, it makes you crazy. It's a shame that one of the only cures is icky, gross medicine. It comes in all sorts of types, pills, liquid, needles, and even in pastes. Pastes are the worst, they are slimy and little bits of it's residue stick in your mouth so the taste can't get out. Disgusting. Shivering, I crawled towards the kitchen with realization of what was going to happen. That paste, that disgusting paste, that I was talking about, is going to be shoved down my throat. Then I saw it. It was being held in my mothers left hand. It then began to descend. Suddenly it was in my mother, etching it's way to my stomach. I gagged, then I gagged again. It didn't stop until three spoonfuls of Nuttela had been shoved down my throat. I hate being sick.
It tastes almost as disgusting as this.
(Not quite)


photo credit: <a href="">Radarsmum67</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Friday, January 17, 2014

SOL Slice of Life

Every time I write one of these poems I ask myself the same questions, why is life important? What is the meaning of life? Today I think I found the answer. Life is not a chance, a game, or a reason, I think Life is just an experience. An experience that is just there for the fun of it. People share experiences with others and do that just to create one big experience for everyone, LIFE. But why is death there too? Why can't we just have endless experiences? Maybe death is a gateway to new experiences and a new life. I think the meaning of life is to share your experiences with future generations. I think death is a barrier that stops greed. I think that death is stopping your experiences so you don't take away the same experiences from others. Some people ask, why live if it's all going to end one day?
Here's my reply:
Why not?

What do you think life is?

I'm in a very philosophical mood today.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Slice of Break

My Kind Sister:

The warm pulse of the sun's rays bled onto my dark room. Light spilled in from the windows casting an array of heat into my dreary eyes. I fluttered awake, slowly adjusting to the morning light as I stepped from my bed. I walked towards the door in a haze of sleepiness. Suddenly my sister jumped in front of me.
My Kind Sister:

"Hey Maggie, what are you doing," I said.
"Oh, nothing, I just came up to ask if you wanted breakfast and lunch in bed."
Immediately I became interested in what she was talking about.
"Lunch in bed?"
"Yeah, and breakfast."
"Of course!"
I grinned and slowly meandered back to my bed. I slid my legs under the sheets and found a cozy spot to nap in. My mind went drifting off to what I was having. Eggs? Pancakes? Crepes? Sausages? Maybe all of them. Great. Maybe even some bacon. I wish she did this every day. Maybe my sister isn't so bad after all. Well today she definitely is in a good mood. I then heard the faintest footsteps approaching from the hallway. I smiled as Maggie entered. She held a tray of the finest looking pancakes in the world. They were coated in rich maple syrup and just the aroma of them made my giddy. She handed me the plate wished me good eating and left. Each bite felt better than the last, but soon the pancakes were gone and so was their delicious toping of maple syrup. She came back up to retrieve the plate and then headed back down the stairs to cook lunch. I looked over at my bedside clock. It read 11:00, so there was only another hour and half till lunch. My full belly helped in the act of putting me to sleep and soon I was awoken by a voice whispering my name.
"Eddie... Eddie... Eddie"
My body naturally groaned but as soon as my brain was turned on I was wide eyed and awake.
Maggie was holding another plate, this time consisting of crackers, cheese, hummus, carrot sticks, peppers, and salad.
"Here,"she said, handing me the food.
It didn't last long, and it was delicious.
I wonder what's for dinner?