My favorite animal is the narwhal, the most majestic creature of the north. I love narwhals because they are unique. They are one of the only horned animals in the sea and their only natural predator is the killer whale. My second favorite animal is the timber wolf. Timber wolves hunt in packs and our very social. They are smaller than the grey wolf, but live in the same areas as the grey wolf and hunt the same food as the grey wolf. They pack a punch for how small they are compared to who they're competing with.

The narwhal is better than these sea creatures.
A timber wolf
photo credit for the 1st photo: <a href="">BioDivLibrary</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
photo credit for the 2nd photo: <a href="">Bruce McKay Yellow Snow Photography</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
I agree, Timber wolves are pretty awesome, narwhals too.