Friday, May 30, 2014
Wolf Brother- Book Blog
Wolf Brother, by Michelle Paver, is a thrilling novel about a young boy in the new stone age, which was around 6000 years ago. After his father is mauled by a massive bear, Torak, the main character, must flee for his life. His father gives him his blue knife, and makes him swear that he must find the Mountain of the World Spirit, and ask the World Spirit to destroy the bear before it does more damage. Torak promises and then proceeds along a river to escape. Along the river bank, he finds an abandoned wolf cub. Soon he learns that he can talk to the wolf. While hunting with hiss cub that he called Wolf, he is captured and taken to a camp. He meets a friend called Renn at the camp, who wants to help him go to the mountain, but her brother wants to get there first and claim the glory for himself. Can Torak make it to the mountain in time and destroy the bear?
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Eldest Part 2
While Eragon leaves the dwarves' land to get more battle training, the dwarf king adopts Eragon as a honorary member of his family. The Varden the leader of the resistance is being moved to the free land of Surda so they can plan a organized attack against Galbatorix. Meanwhile, Roran, Eragaon's brother is returning to his hometown of Carvahall. The town is being searched by the Ra'zac, Galbatorix's agents. They are looking for Roran, because he might have the locations of Eragon. When they can't find him they take his lover, Katrina. Roran is furious and launches an attack to go find Katrina. Meanwhile Eragon has taken his training to the next level. He is in the elven capital city, Ellesmera, where he will buff his fighting techniques.
This book is an all round amazing book, with twists and turns throughout. I highly recommend it, but it is the second novel in the series, so read Eragon first.
This book is an all round amazing book, with twists and turns throughout. I highly recommend it, but it is the second novel in the series, so read Eragon first.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Book Blog Eldest- Part 1
The second novel in Christopher Paolini's thrilling series is Eldest. Eldest is an extremely exciting book that immediately captivates the emotions that were left at the end of Eragon, the first book. In Eldest, Eragon a teenager who is also a dragon rider, is contemplating where he should go next to train his fighting abilities. Suddenly, his best friend Mortagh, a skilled fighter is captured and taken to the evil King Galbatorix. What will happen to Mortagh when he is under the hands of the evil king? What will Eragon do now that he has realized he needs more training if he wants to beat Galbatorix? I have really enjoyed this book so far. It's action scenes are fast paced and the characters are well developed and full of quirks. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a fast paced, action packed book!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Code Name Verity- Book Blog
Code Name Verity was a very interesting book about two women in a time of war. Maddie and Julie are two friends during World War II. Julie is a spy and Maddie is a pilot. Maddie isn't supposed to fly Julie into France. Their plane is shot down and Julie jumps out with her parachute, but Maddie isn't so lucky, she is forced to crash land the plane and hide in a French Resistance families barn. Julie is soon captured by the Nazis and told to write down everything she knows about the British Secret Service. Instead she writes down the story of Maddie, her best friend. This book was thrilling and sad. I recommend for anyone wanting to read a great book.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Reading Blog- Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?
Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google? was a really unique book, and something that I would not usually read. The book talked about the questions you would be asked in an interview with Google, and what it would be like to work there. I struggled with most of the challenges, and sometimes when the book explained the answer my confusion would grow further. But the challenges were a very fun part of the book. The book also talked a bit about peoples experiences being interviewed to work at Google and about peoples experiences working there. After reading this book I was fascinated by what Google thins about when they interview someone, how Google works, and what Google really is. I recommend this book for anyone looking for a unique, fun read.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Book Blog- Navy Seal Dogs
Over spring break I read Navy Seal Dogs, by Mike Ritland. Mike Ritland is a former Navy Seal, and his novel is his first hand account with these dogs. This book was really interesting and not something that I would usually read. Mike Ritland describes in great detail, how Army dogs are trained and developed into war machines. He goes into depth on various dangerous missions these dogs have performed. Although this book is something I would not usually read, it was a good read and extremely detailed. I loved it and highly recommend it for anyone up for a, fun, interesting novel.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
SOL 30/31- Death
The figure stands outside the frost laden window. His hood is draped low over his eyes and face. His bony fingers extend from his hand and run down the window. He looks through the glass at a cold body on the floor. Its soul long gone from its lifeless shell. The figure outside the window disappears into a black fog, and then reappears next to the man's body. He leans down over his face and then looks up at the sealing. The man's soul floats in the amber candlelight, gently touching the ceiling as it bobbles up and down. The figure extends his hand towards the soul and slowly grabs it. With his other hand he produces a bag from his belt. He then drops the misty soul into the brown burlap bag. He disappears into black fog again.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
SOL 29/31- Paint balling
I popped my head up slightly so I could see my two teammates hiding behind the wall. One of them peeked out from the side of the wall and spotted one of their teammates hiding in the corner. He fired three shots, which splattered on his chest. I raised his hands in the air and walked out of the arena. It was just two of them and three of us. Both my teammates popped up from behind the wall, in a hope to move to new cover. I turned my head just in time to see their faces and necks splattered with multi colored paint. Now, it was just me versus two. I raised my gun and leaned out so I could see them. One of them noticed me and began firing in my direction. I turned back to my cover as the shots smacked the wall. I got down on my belly and began to crawl towards where my teammates got shot. Paint ball shells rolled in the sand beneath me, and wet patches of paint stuck to my chest plate. I reached the edge of the wall and peeked up so I could see my opponent. He was still waiting for me to pop out again in the same location. I smiled and raised my gun. Pop, pop, pop! Three shots to his neck! He put both his hands up and meandered back to where my teammates were watching. I saw the silhouette of my enemy get up and start running in the other direction. I vaulted over the wall and aimed at his back. I took a deep breath and steadied my gun. Bam!
Friday, March 28, 2014
SOL 28/31- Sword Fighting
I swung my stick towards my brother's torso, but his came to block mine. I hopped backwards and twisted my sword from under his. I pulled the sword backwards and slashed at his arm. He just managed to deflect the attack, but I had the advantage now. I forced him to shuffle back towards the edge of the wall that we were standing on with a series of pokes. I moved forward and jolted my sword towards his stomach. As his sword came to deflect my blow, I pulled it down and to the side, so his sword just swept the air. I advanced on him and cut his defenseless body down bit by bit. I started off with his other arm, so he couldn't attack me when I chopped off his legs, which were next. They came off with ease, and he soon was lying on the ground. I placed my foot on his chest and roared in triumph. I lifted up my arm and sliced off his head. I was victorious!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
SOL 27/31- Morning
The sun flows through trees' crisp branches. It drops through into the grass enlightening the start to its day. Suddenly the cold morning air sweeps through my backyard knocking at walls and windows. People are scattered walking to school or to work, with the cold wind whipping at their bodies. Their grumpy faces become cold and grumpy. Finally the sunlight reaches them taking away the cold from their grumpiness. Their faces turn bright, smiling up at the warm sunlight. Some of them stop, just to relish the heat on their bodies. Suddenly, I wake up, and come to the true aroma of morning. Tiredness and grumpiness. :)
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
SOL 26/31- My Favorite Animals
My favorite animal is the narwhal, the most majestic creature of the north. I love narwhals because they are unique. They are one of the only horned animals in the sea and their only natural predator is the killer whale. My second favorite animal is the timber wolf. Timber wolves hunt in packs and our very social. They are smaller than the grey wolf, but live in the same areas as the grey wolf and hunt the same food as the grey wolf. They pack a punch for how small they are compared to who they're competing with.
A timber wolf
photo credit for the 1st photo: <a href="">BioDivLibrary</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
photo credit for the 2nd photo: <a href="">Bruce McKay Yellow Snow Photography</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
SOL/BookBlog 25/31- Ender's Game
Last week I read Ender's Game by Orson Scott. Ender's game is about a boy called Ender Wiggin who is growing up in the future. Earth has been invaded by these aliens, called buggers twice before. In preparation for a third invasion the military takes children into training. Ender is selected for training when he is young, and is put through tests. Will he pass the tests? Will earth be destroyed by buggers? Find out in this thrilling, action packed novel!
I really enjoyed Ender's Game, although it was a bit confusing in the beginning. It was a really cool book full of action and intriguing events that you probably won't see in other books. I thought it was a great book, and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting an adventure!
Monday, March 24, 2014
SOL 24/31- Living Room Parkour
The Floor is Lava-
"Save me, save me!"I cried.
"I'm coming brother!"He replied. He grabbed my sweaty palm, and began reeling my body up to the couch like a fish. Suddenly, he jolted me backwards, sending me flying into the lava. He cackled as my body slowly burned in the living room carpet.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
SOL 23/31- Longboarding
My fingers clutched the rough grip tape that ran across the top of my longboard. The car passed by and so did a small gust of wind. I placed the board down and put my left foot on top of it. The tape scratched at the bottom of my foot. I pushed against the ground, and I was off. My hair rippled in the wind. I felt free as the sun shined onto my face casting warmth through my entire body. I smiled and spread my arms out wide, feeling the touch of the air. I pushed against the ground again, this time a little bit harder. I flew forward relishing the lovely spring weather. The sky was clear and I was free, flying past houses and people.
That's my longboard-
Saturday, March 22, 2014
SOL 22/31- Snowballs
I gripped the cold, soft snow in made hand, crunching it into a ball. I looked up at my target, who was veering closer towards me. I threw the snowball as hard as I could at my sisters chest. The snowball splattered across her neck and steadily dripped down her back. I laughed and ran past her a glanced down at my i-pod to check the time, when suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw my sister and her friend holding a massive chunk of snow over their heads. They slammed the chunk down on my head. I shivered and clutched my freezing jacket. As they turned a grabbed a ball of snow from the ground. I hurled it towards their heads but missed. They turned around, and grabbed as many snowballs as they could. I jumped behind the car, using it as cover. The war had begun.
Friday, March 21, 2014
SOL 21/31- Jenga
I grabbed the block from the bottom of the shivering tower. My fingers slowly wiggled the block out of place and into my hand. I dropped the block on top of the tower, and laughed. I had made the tower a lot more precarious. My friend's hands where back to the wavering mass of blocks, scanning for a nice pick. He pried a middle block from a middle row. The tower once again wiggled under his grip. He just managed to take the block from the row. He smiled and dropped the block onto the top of the tower. Suddenly the tower shattered into blocks all over the table. His smile then dropped, and was replaced with a frown. I cackled with glee.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
SOL 20/31- Batteries Poem
Batteries, they're not everywhere
they're hard to find almost anywhere
they run out fast
as they're not made to last
if you run out do take care
Well that's what happened to me
honestly, I do agree
for my batteries are almost gone
I hope I can make it through to dawn
All I can do is plea and plea
My sewing machine cannot sew
my lamp light flickers to and fro
by golly, my gosh, oh no!
My keyboard batteries are getting lo...
they're hard to find almost anywhere
they run out fast
as they're not made to last
if you run out do take care
Well that's what happened to me
honestly, I do agree
for my batteries are almost gone
I hope I can make it through to dawn
All I can do is plea and plea
My sewing machine cannot sew
my lamp light flickers to and fro
by golly, my gosh, oh no!
My keyboard batteries are getting lo...
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
SOL 19/31- Football
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
SOL 18/31- Legend
Monday, March 17, 2014
SOL 17/31- Leprechaun Traps
I grabbed the box of lucky charms and poured a few onto the rat trap. I bent the snapper back, so it was ready to go. I grabbed the serrated edge from the zig-zag scissors and glued it to the snapper. So if any Leprechauns decide the want a snack… WHAM, their heads roll off. I scoured my army of traps grinning at the soon to be sight of Leprechaun blood trickling everywhere. I glanced over at Drew's trap, which was pretty cool. It had a fly swatter that catapulted the Leprechaun into the frying pan. Another trap he had drowned the Leprechauns. He had a bowl right under the sink tap that had a string tied around the hot water. The other end ran down to where the lucky charms were. He had rocks attached to the noose where the Leprechauns foot would be attached. The water would fill up the bowl as soon as the Leprechaun got caught in the noose. He wouldn't be able to swim up because of the small rocks weighing him down. Soon green blood will be spilt.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
SOL 16/31- Spring
My dog lay in a large sun patch, just under a sprouting tree. He stretched and rolled around in his spot as a cool wind drifted into the trees branches. The tree whispered a little and its branches shook a few leaves from its body. Grass waved to the bright sky and said hello. Bright, pretty flowers glanced up at the few clouds in the sky. The sun beamed across the vast blue sky and birds echoed their happiness. Squirrels chattered on their branches and people strolled on the sidewalk. Everyone was outside enjoying the beautiful fresh day. I drifted through a shady spot under the same tree my dog was lying under. I stroked his warm soft fur and smiled. Spring was finally here.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Boomeranging- SOL 15/31
My friend Drew's arm reeled back and fired, launching the boomerang high into the air. The boomerang spun and curled down to the dirt. It bounced and then finally laid to rest a few meters away from where he threw it. It was a lovely time to be out in the park. Families were swinging on the swings, and a brother and his sister were playing lacrosse.
"Alright, my turn," I said.
"Ok, just be careful you don't hit that little girl playing lacrosse," Drew replied.
"I'm not going to hit them."
I hurled the boomerang into the air. It toppled and skipped straight into a gust of wind. The boomerang suddenly flew down, curving straight towards the little girl. She was running and did not notice the boomerang heading straight for her. As she neared the impact zone, she stopped and turned around. Our projectile whizzed through the impact zone, where it would have smacked her straight in the neck.
"That was close," I giggled.
Friday, March 14, 2014
SOL- 14/31- Ouch
Thursday, March 13, 2014
SOL 13/31- The Computer Screen
My fingers drum at the keyboard, spouting gibberish across the page. My eyes glare at the bright screen. The light from it flows through my eyes causing all my ideas to scatter back into the dark corners of my head. I glance at the clock, watching minutes tick by until a hour has gone by. My thumbs twiddle in cluelessness as my brain searches for something, anything. My senses twitch, as they try to find the slightest touch, sound, smell, or sight that could be used in writing. But, out of the shadows comes an idea. Feebly tumbling down my body and into my fingers. My hands begin to type words instead of gibberish, and a slice of life is formed all due to the dull computer screen.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
SOL 12/31- My brother
Fun and cool
My brother Frank, has all the tools
To please me
To annoy me
The main main man himself
My brother
sweet brother
He loves all, including himself
Although I say all these things
My brother from the same mother
My homie my friend
Will not be as awesome as me
Even through to the end
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
SOL 11/31- Book Blog The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner is about a boy named Thomas who wakes up in an elevator knowing nothing except for his name and the English language. At the top of the elevator he meets the gladers, the other children in the place called the Glade. Thomas uncovers secrets about the glade and soon finds out that there is a maze full of Grievers, monsters that can sting you. The Grievers sting puts you through deep pain, what the gladers call a changing. All the changed kids recognize Thomas and begin to form suspicion about him. The next day a girl is sent up, the first girl that has been sent up. Thomas feels a deep connection with her. He continues to talk to her until he releases that he could save all the kids in the glade. Can Thomas pull this off without failing?
Monday, March 10, 2014
Girl scout cookies- SOL 10/31
I glanced back down the hallway, checking to see if someone was following me. Good, the coast was clear, now for my plan. I grabbed a chair from the kitchen and propped it up against the cupboard. My hand streaked over the rough wooden cupboard door. They felt the handle and immediately swung the door open. My eyes beamed towards the beautiful green box of thin mints. I slowly reached out to them and opened the box. No, no, it can't be, the thin mints, they were all gone. I threw the box into the trash and walked out back down the once treacherous hall. As I turned the corner to the living room I spotted my brother cackling as he peered up from behind the coach. He was holding two thin mints in his hand. Suddenly, he had shoved them in his mouth and gobbled them up. I fell to my knees in awe, my eyes screaming out in pain. Noooooooooooo, I cried.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Skyrim- SOL 8/31
I directed my character up the final flights of stairs that lead to High Hrothgar. I was so anxious to finally meet my destiny. My characters struggle continued until his feet had stepped on the final. I could finally see the bulky silhouette of the castle itself, instead of some frost troll. Suddenly, I heard a noise, it came from the cliff side. I looked over and saw a massive frost troll staring at me. I wielded my two swords and ran straight for him. I had immediately swung at me and damaged my health. The troll was on the edge of the cliff. I ran towards it in a final attempt and swung my sword at it with no mercy. It continued to whack me until I was dead. Turns out, I forgot to save.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
9/31- SOL- Climbing Trees
My foot wedged itself between two branches, and I heaved up onto the next branch. My arm scraped along the next branch, but I still managed my way up to it. I gripped a notch in the wood and pulled myself up to another branch. Raw bark clawed at my ankles and gripped my shins. My arms clawed the bark back and soon I was up to the top of the tree. I could see my neighbors roofs from up here. The sun beamed onto my face and heated my climbing limbs with light. The blue sky ignited my feeling of gratitude. I felt free. I felt as if I could live up here. My hair waved in the wind, and my blue shirt rippled It was well worth the scratching to get up here. If only getting down was as easy.
7/31 SOL- Capture the Flag
I popped up just behind the wall so I could peer over, and look at the flag. It was placed into the ground, and it rippled in the early morning wind. My hands pressed against the top of the wall, and I pushed up and landed on the soft grass. I spotted my brother guarding the flag. He was facing the other way and was relaxing, so I had a good chance of catching him off guard. I grabbed a stone and hurled past him and onto the other end of the sidewalk, behind a tree. Suspiciously he got up and ran towards the tree. I seized the opportunity and grabbed the flag from its resting place. I took it and ran back to our base. My mission was a big success.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
6/31-SOL- Hand Sanitizer
My dry, cracked hands burned from the drumming on my computer keys. My fingers had pulsed back and forth, up and down, across the dirty keyboard. Dirt wriggled its way under my finger nails and heat swept over my rusty knuckles leaving a immense pain on the surface of my skin. Then out of the corner of my eye I spotted a glistening squirter full of… hand sanitizer. I stepped slowly over to the bottle. I cast my right hand over the top of the squirter and I placed my left at the bottom of the squirter. Then I pressed down on the blue top. Clear, clean, sanitizing liquid flowed over my skin, trickling down through my fingers. The deep cleaning washed down into my skin washing the keyboard grime away. I love you hand sanitizer.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
SOL- 5/31-What to write?
What to Write?
Thoughts are racing in my head
But my writing mind is pretty much dead
My mind is racing and zipping around
But I feel like my writing fingers are bound
I toss and turn inside my mind
Thoughts are racing all inside
How am I supposed to write like this
This is not a writers bliss
My stomach churns with horrible dread
You know what, I'm going off to bed
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas- SOL 4/31- Book Blog
Last week I read The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas by John Boyne. As I turned the pages in this magnificent book, I was touched with different emotions. The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas follows a young boy named Bruno, who lives in the heart of Berlin, just before WWII. Bruno's father's job is unknown to Bruno, all he knows is that it is very important. Suddenly Bruno must leave Berlin with his family because of his father's job. He is moved off to a desolate place, and he is cut off from all his friends in Berlin. Bruno meets a young Polish Jew at his new home, but why is he here? Will he uncover the truth of his father's job? What will he discover in his new surroundings? This book gripped me with excitement and sadness as I slowly uncovered the truth of why Bruno's family was there. I highly recommend this book for anyone.
Monday, March 3, 2014
SOL 3/31 Bean Bag Him
My brother and neighbor had tied me up in the blanket. I yelped and thrashed my struggling body back and forth. I saw my brother get up and grab the beanbag off of the couch. He grinned and lifted it high over his head. I wasn't worried though, I had a little trick up my sleeve. My neighbor Drew was a double agent and he was going to take down my brother with ease. Drew popped up, and in a split second he had tackled my brother to the ground. I cackled and quickly un-tied my arms from the blanket. I lifted my brother's wriggling body up inches above the ground and I wrapped him in the blanket.
"Bean bag him, Drew, bean bag him!" I screamed. The bean bag had rolled back to the couch. My brother struggled under the blanket, so I allowed him to pop out his head. I grinned and looked at Drew, who threw the bean bag on top of my brother he was eliminated.
"Nice job!" I said as I got up from the bean bag.
"Yeah, you too," he said. I leaned over to high five him, but as his hand swooped towards mine I grabbed his wrist and slammed him on the couch. I grabbed the other bean bag and placed on top of him. I laughed and laughed and laughed.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
SOLSC 2/31- The Cold
The sun beamed onto my face casting a feeling of warmth and happiness through my body. I love the sun, and I knew today was going to be a great day for soccer. My arms tingled with heat as the sun beat down on them. I smiled, the warmth felt so good.
I opened the door to my house and new I had to be fast, I grabbed my shorts and shirt and headed out the door.
"You should bring a jacket,"my Dad called after me,"It's going to be cold."
"Ok, whatever," I shouted back. It's not going to be cold, it's fifty degrees now, it's beautiful. The car pulled up and I hopped out. I stepped down onto the ground, then the cold hit me. The hair on my neck pricked up and cold wind fluttered through my shirt. I ran over to my coach, who instructed me to begin warm-up. I jogged out to the field and started stretching. As more cars dropped off my team mates the wind had picked up. Kids with warm coats and gloves spilled out over the field in front of my shivering silhouette. The wind and cold increased through to our final game, until it was all finally over. I saw my car pool ride pull up in the street. I ran towards it and collapsed inside, precious heat flew over my body, and my ears and fingers began to warm up. I laid my head to rest on the window, thinking one thing, I should listen to my father more often.
I opened the door to my house and new I had to be fast, I grabbed my shorts and shirt and headed out the door.
"You should bring a jacket,"my Dad called after me,"It's going to be cold."
"Ok, whatever," I shouted back. It's not going to be cold, it's fifty degrees now, it's beautiful. The car pulled up and I hopped out. I stepped down onto the ground, then the cold hit me. The hair on my neck pricked up and cold wind fluttered through my shirt. I ran over to my coach, who instructed me to begin warm-up. I jogged out to the field and started stretching. As more cars dropped off my team mates the wind had picked up. Kids with warm coats and gloves spilled out over the field in front of my shivering silhouette. The wind and cold increased through to our final game, until it was all finally over. I saw my car pool ride pull up in the street. I ran towards it and collapsed inside, precious heat flew over my body, and my ears and fingers began to warm up. I laid my head to rest on the window, thinking one thing, I should listen to my father more often.
SOLSC 1/31- Spring Break
Hey my name is Eddie, and this year I studied music in society. I'm in seventh grade and I will be studying the Muppet Show in spring.
My brothers voice echoed towards my dad's room, time to go, he shouted. I laughed and slowly walked down towards the kitchen. My smile arose as i saw that he was just finishing up eating. Excellent. I gripped the door frame and looked at him. He smushed toast into his mouth and looked my way.
"Hey," he said,"Why are you here?"
"Ohhhh, I sure am tired," I groaned, "Look at the time I need to be getting ready for school... But wait I don't have school!!!" I cackled as he looked at me in anger.
"You woke up early only because you wanted to annoy me?"
"That's right."
"You're probably going to do this to Maggie too, aren't you?"
"Psshhshsh, of course not....." He looked at me and blinked twice.
"You're horrible, but I really do have to go to school now, so bye."
I grinned and looked at the clock. Twenty minutes to spare before more fun. I heard my sister groan from the other room.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Slice of Life
The ball was slightly smushed in my hand. My senses were slightly blurred, but I knew Ethan was approaching me from behind. I also knew that Grant was running towards me from the opposite side. Their arms tilted back, ready to fire. Then the balls were released and hurled towards me. Suddenly I ducked, and their balls hit each other. They were both out. I grinned, picked up their dodge balls and ran to the other side of the field. I met my team mate, Ellis, there and he handed me a dodge ball. We walked to the final survivor, Eden. I threw my ball, but it just missed his stomach. While he was distracted, Ellis bombarded him with 2 balls. Eden was now out.
"Nice job, Ellis," I said.
"Thanks," he said.
"But there is one thing."
"What's that?"
"There can only be one winner!" I proceeded to throw a ball into his face. He was out.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Yuck, Medicine
I watched feebly as my mothers lips summoned me to the kitchen. In my head they were screaming at me, but I knew she wasn't in real life. That's what sickness does to you, it makes you crazy. It's a shame that one of the only cures is icky, gross medicine. It comes in all sorts of types, pills, liquid, needles, and even in pastes. Pastes are the worst, they are slimy and little bits of it's residue stick in your mouth so the taste can't get out. Disgusting. Shivering, I crawled towards the kitchen with realization of what was going to happen. That paste, that disgusting paste, that I was talking about, is going to be shoved down my throat. Then I saw it. It was being held in my mothers left hand. It then began to descend. Suddenly it was in my mother, etching it's way to my stomach. I gagged, then I gagged again. It didn't stop until three spoonfuls of Nuttela had been shoved down my throat. I hate being sick.
Friday, January 17, 2014
SOL Slice of Life
Every time I write one of these poems I ask myself the same questions, why is life important? What is the meaning of life? Today I think I found the answer. Life is not a chance, a game, or a reason, I think Life is just an experience. An experience that is just there for the fun of it. People share experiences with others and do that just to create one big experience for everyone, LIFE. But why is death there too? Why can't we just have endless experiences? Maybe death is a gateway to new experiences and a new life. I think the meaning of life is to share your experiences with future generations. I think death is a barrier that stops greed. I think that death is stopping your experiences so you don't take away the same experiences from others. Some people ask, why live if it's all going to end one day?
Here's my reply:
Why not?
What do you think life is?
I'm in a very philosophical mood today.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Slice of Break
My Kind Sister:
The warm pulse of the sun's rays bled onto my dark room. Light spilled in from the windows casting an array of heat into my dreary eyes. I fluttered awake, slowly adjusting to the morning light as I stepped from my bed. I walked towards the door in a haze of sleepiness. Suddenly my sister jumped in front of me.
My Kind Sister:
"Hey Maggie, what are you doing," I said.
"Oh, nothing, I just came up to ask if you wanted breakfast and lunch in bed."
Immediately I became interested in what she was talking about.
"Lunch in bed?"
"Yeah, and breakfast."
"Of course!"
I grinned and slowly meandered back to my bed. I slid my legs under the sheets and found a cozy spot to nap in. My mind went drifting off to what I was having. Eggs? Pancakes? Crepes? Sausages? Maybe all of them. Great. Maybe even some bacon. I wish she did this every day. Maybe my sister isn't so bad after all. Well today she definitely is in a good mood. I then heard the faintest footsteps approaching from the hallway. I smiled as Maggie entered. She held a tray of the finest looking pancakes in the world. They were coated in rich maple syrup and just the aroma of them made my giddy. She handed me the plate wished me good eating and left. Each bite felt better than the last, but soon the pancakes were gone and so was their delicious toping of maple syrup. She came back up to retrieve the plate and then headed back down the stairs to cook lunch. I looked over at my bedside clock. It read 11:00, so there was only another hour and half till lunch. My full belly helped in the act of putting me to sleep and soon I was awoken by a voice whispering my name.
"Eddie... Eddie... Eddie"
My body naturally groaned but as soon as my brain was turned on I was wide eyed and awake.
Maggie was holding another plate, this time consisting of crackers, cheese, hummus, carrot sticks, peppers, and salad.
"Here,"she said, handing me the food.
It didn't last long, and it was delicious.
I wonder what's for dinner?
The warm pulse of the sun's rays bled onto my dark room. Light spilled in from the windows casting an array of heat into my dreary eyes. I fluttered awake, slowly adjusting to the morning light as I stepped from my bed. I walked towards the door in a haze of sleepiness. Suddenly my sister jumped in front of me.
My Kind Sister:
"Hey Maggie, what are you doing," I said.
"Oh, nothing, I just came up to ask if you wanted breakfast and lunch in bed."
Immediately I became interested in what she was talking about.
"Lunch in bed?"
"Yeah, and breakfast."
"Of course!"
I grinned and slowly meandered back to my bed. I slid my legs under the sheets and found a cozy spot to nap in. My mind went drifting off to what I was having. Eggs? Pancakes? Crepes? Sausages? Maybe all of them. Great. Maybe even some bacon. I wish she did this every day. Maybe my sister isn't so bad after all. Well today she definitely is in a good mood. I then heard the faintest footsteps approaching from the hallway. I smiled as Maggie entered. She held a tray of the finest looking pancakes in the world. They were coated in rich maple syrup and just the aroma of them made my giddy. She handed me the plate wished me good eating and left. Each bite felt better than the last, but soon the pancakes were gone and so was their delicious toping of maple syrup. She came back up to retrieve the plate and then headed back down the stairs to cook lunch. I looked over at my bedside clock. It read 11:00, so there was only another hour and half till lunch. My full belly helped in the act of putting me to sleep and soon I was awoken by a voice whispering my name.
"Eddie... Eddie... Eddie"
My body naturally groaned but as soon as my brain was turned on I was wide eyed and awake.
Maggie was holding another plate, this time consisting of crackers, cheese, hummus, carrot sticks, peppers, and salad.
"Here,"she said, handing me the food.
It didn't last long, and it was delicious.
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